Resilience Alliance Blog

Natural Resilience

Natural Resilience

One of my inspirations for thinking about resilience is the natural world. Think about the resilience of a willow tree, or a river, or a colony of ants. What strikes me about all of these things is that for them the process of "bouncing back" does not just start when...

Emotion Differentiation and Alcohol Use: Article Summary

I just ran across an interesting article in the journal Psychological Science, by Todd Kashdan and several co-authors. They focused on the fact that some people are able to describe the emotions they're feeling in specific categories (sad, anxious, etc.) while others...

Two Levels of Building Resilience

If resilience is about how we respond when unexpected and disruptive things happen in our work or personal lives, how do we go about building it? I believe that there are really two levels of resilience-building that are important. The first is making sure we have the...

The Art of Resilience

I had a recent conversation with some wonderful people from GLG about resilience, and they mentioned a couple of authors who had resilience books I hadn't yet run across. So of course I went to Amazon and found some good used copies to add to my library. One of them...


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