by Linda Hoopes | Mar 20, 2014 | Personal Resilience, Prosilience, Resources
One of our goals at My Resilience Gym is to provide connections to resources for dealing with various kinds of adversity. Depression is one of the most common challenges in today’s world. Whether you have encountered depression yourself or have a friend or loved...
by Linda Hoopes | Mar 18, 2014 | Blog, Organizational Resilience
From my perspective, human energy is the currency of organizational change. People apply their energy to do the work of change, including adapting to the disruptions of expectations that major change introduces. Because human energy is finite, it is possible for...
by Linda Hoopes | Mar 17, 2014 | Linda Personal, Personal Resilience, Stories
A little over two weeks ago I stepped off a curb, my right foot twisted sideways, and I broke a bone (the base of the 5th metatarsal, for those of you who are curious!) I’m now wearing a boot on that foot, and can’t drive my car. Since I try to practice...
by Linda Hoopes | Mar 16, 2014 | Blog
For the last few years, Resilience Alliance has been a sponsor of the conference hosted by the Association of Change Management Professionals. This year, in addition to our sponsorship, I will also be speaking (look for a forthcoming blog entry on the topic!)...
by Linda Hoopes | Feb 18, 2014 | Personal Resilience, Prosilience
1. Practice calming yourself down. Your brain reacts quickly when you perceive danger or threat. It moves into “fight or flight” mode, which makes it difficult to respond thoughtfully to the challenges you face. You can tell your brain everything is ok by...